In Turkmenistan you drink vodka. Some more than others.
How much alcohol do you drink? Not much compared to those who consume the most. Or can you match 18.22 liters of pure alcohol a year? I didn’t think so.
Then again, who knows how much alcohol 18.22 liters is, in common terms? Well, it depends on the stregth, but one liter equals approcimately 76 drinks (330ml beer (4% strength), 100ml wine (13% strength) or 33ml liqueur (40% strength)).
18.22 liters is in other words the same as 1,383 beers. That is 27 beers a week or almost 4 beers every day. You feel thirsty yet?
The average Norwegian drinks only 43% of that. That is still over 11 beers a week, but quite far behind the heaviest drinkers of them all.
The Moldovans.
The little country between Romania and Ukraine is one of the poorest in Europe, although I will not dare to say that is the reason for their heavy consumption. They make really good wine, though. Really. So do consider going there for your next wine tour. You have already been to France. Most of the wine is for export, but don’t expect to find it in your local bottle shop. The majority is exported to fellow former Sovjet republics.
Czech Republic is number two on the list of heavy consuming country, trailing Moldova by almost two liters per year. Hungary is not far behind in third spot.
South Korea
You may be surprised to see that there is only one non-European country in the top 26 spots. South Korea secures 13th spot. You can thank or blame soju for that, depending on whether you are a drinker or a doctor. The clear distilled beverage is often consumed with beer. Just keep in mind that there is little that beats soju inflicted hangovers. Allegedly.
But enough of South Korea. The next non-European country is Nigeria in 27th. And Norway with its 7.81 liters? The world’s northernmost kingdom is number 74.
The official figures from registered sales do in many countries count for less than half of the estimated alcohol consumption. The unrecorded consumption includes home made and smuggled alcohol. It has been calculated using empirical investigations and expert judgments, according to Wikipedia.
Do note that Czech Republic is number one in terms of registered consumption, followed by Andorra and Estonia. Moldova is number one when it comes to unrecorded drinking. Moonshine, anyone?
Only tea in Afghanistan.
And the other end of the list?
Yemen and Afghanistan see the lowest consumption by only 0.02 liters per person. All of that is, naturally, unregistered. They seem to make up for it in khat usage, though. Visiting Yemen for New Year’s Eve 2009 was not my best party planning decision ever.
Saudi Arabia is also low on the list, but there is surprisingly 0.05 liters of recorded alcohol consumption there. I wonder who in the royal family allowed that.
My bet is that a lot of the alcohol in Saudi is being consumed in the British embassy. And possibly in the Moldovan one, of course.
The world’s heaviest drinkers, by equivalent liters of pure alcohol
Moldova: 18.22 liters
Czech Republic: 16.45 liters
Hungary: 16.27 liters
Russia: 15.76 liters
Ukraine: 15.60 liters
Estonia: 15.57 liters
Andorra: 15.48 liters
Romania: 15.30 liters
Slovenia: 15.19 liters
Belarus: 15.13 liters
Croatia: 15.11 liters
Lithuania: 15.03 liters
South Korea: 14.80 liters (first Asian country)
Portugal: 14.55 liters
Ireland: 14.41 liters
France: 13.66 liters
United Kingdom: 13.37 liters (higher level of registered drinking than Denmark)
Denmark: 13.37 liters
Slovakia: 13.33 liters
Poland: 13.25 liters
Austria: 13.24 liters
Luxembourg: 13.01 liters
Germany: 12.81 liters
Finland: 12.52 liters
Latvia: 12.50 liters
Bulgaria: 12.44 liters
Nigeria: 12.28 liters (first African country)
Uganda: 11.93 liters
Saint Lucia: 11.85 liters (first North American country)
Spain: 11.62 liters
42. Palau: 10.10 liters (first Oceanian country)
45. Argentina: 10.00 liters (first South American country)
57. USA: 9.44 liters 62. Brazil: 9.16 liters 74. Norway: 7.81 liters
Wikipedia lists more countries.